Thursday, September 27, 2007


I am one sleepy girl.

The realization that I have been working for more than two weeks straight- not full-time, but without one complete day off- is kind of a freaky thought.

However, I have been dwelling on IF stuff a lot less, in some ways.

In other ways, I've had a few bittersweet moments.

I wore a bright blue shirt the other day, and evidently, this color attracts babies. Because all the babies in the store stared at me constantly, to the point that their mothers noticed it and got a little weirded out. One of them said, "Well! It looks like he wants to go home with you!" when her little guy reached out his arms like he wanted me to pick him up.

We both laughed, and in retrospect, I am not quite sure how I managed it.

There was a mom and her barely two-year-old at the store today, waiting for a dressing room.

Baby: "Where Greg? Want Greg!"

She calls for Greg repeatedly in a little falsetto voice, like she is calling a cat.

Mom: "Greg is Daddy, sweetie! Say Daddy!"

Baby: "Daddy Greg!" And she laughs hysterically.

Mom: "You are so silly baby!" And I hear the sounds of her laughing and covering her little girl with kisses and raspberries, while the little girl squeals and giggles and squirms.

And I can't help thinking, "What if this never happens for me?"

They are so happy, so natural, and they make it look so easy. And for me, it is just so NOT easy.

In slightly more bizarre news, I was teaching a class of 6th graders yesterday, and we were discussing Velcro. I mentioned that it was about 25 years old, and it had been invented when I was a little girl. There's one boy in this class who is a foot taller than everyone else, and he raised his hand, and asked, "How old are you?"

I don't mind revealing my age, especially when it's a kid who asks. The look of horror and disbelief on his face when I said, "thirty-two" was downright hilarious.
I choose not to consider why he reacted this way, because any conclusion that I might leap to would be disturbing.

For example, I might be older than his mom.

SEE BRAIN? That's why you just don't want to go there!

I have a ton of "classic" prego symptoms right now, but I know it's just the wretched progesterone making its presence known. TMI warning- I was putting on my bra today, and caught a glimpse of the girls and um...they look weird. But once again, I get that "Whose breasts are THESE?!!" moments pretty much every month.

In other news of the weird:

We have a Siamese-mix neutered male cat named Tiramisu, and he is basically a curmudgeon. He's cranky. He's whiny. He doesn't like to be picked up or held, and he sleeps 95% of the time on "his" chair in the living room.

During the 2ww, he won't leave me alone. He is all snuggly, he wants to be with me all the time. And when I pet him, he purrs like a motorboat.

He was like this last cycle too, and I tried explaining it to The Man, who essentially thought I was out of my mind until he witnessed the random love-fest and the kneading and the purring and the attempted kitty kisses this month.

I am wondering if the injectables are making me smell different, or if I am slowly going crazy....or maybe our cat is manic-depressive. If the pattern continues, when AF begins to arrive, he will go back to his crotchety old ways again!

By the way...I have noticed my number of readers going steadily up, and I am extremely flattered by all your thoughtful comments and the way my sitemeter map is filling up. Thanks so much- It's so good to know that we aren't all in this alone!

If you read this blog and aren't listed on my sidebar, please drop me a comment so I can add your blog to my reading list! (Of course, feel free to leave a comment if you ARE listed on my sidebar too! I love all you guys.)


AwkwardMoments said...

i have a black domestic rescued kitty that sounds JUST like our male kitty - EXCEPT she wants nothing to do with me EVER ..she isexactly as your described your kitty before the 2ww all the time. I am not sure why she doesnt just rtun out the door at times, I think she hates that i saved her from a hurricane when she was stuck in a car bumper and her eyes were still not even open yet. Ungrateful felines ....

~Carrie said...

I would be willing to bet that your cat is indeed responding to a change in your body chemistry! I own 2 calico colored kitties (from the same litter!) and while they have not acted differently during the injectables, they are more attentive when I am upset.

Progesterone is just evil. I know it's necessary for pregnancy... but.... it's still evil!

Michael Evans said...

Great picture. I taught 2nd grade when I was 21 (a long time ago) and the kids thought that was old as well! Hindsight being 20/20, apparently I should have been trying to have kids then.

Katie said...

I am glad that you are managing to keep yourself busy - and proud of you for laughing instead of crying in the store. I usually laugh in the store - and cry later.

How do you make a site meter?

jenna sais quoi said...

Farah, your comment made me laugh. Our black rescued cat was hiding inside the fan shroud of my husband's truck, and miraculously survived! She is a sweetie, though. I can't believe she was a feral adoption.

Carrie: AMEN. Progesterone is just.......ergh. Bleargh. I seriously would rather have the shots in the butt, but of course, insurance won't pay for them.

Frank: Better 2nd grade than high school! I still remember the (adorable) 23 year old guy who taught English in the next classroom over. I would rather have kids freaked out over the fact that I am ooooooold than trying to hit on me!

Katie, your approach sounds about like mine. I like to put on a brave face, but I do lose it occasionally. Oh, and I posted a comment on your site that should get you going on a sitemeter of your own!