Monday, September 17, 2007

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Ok, I'll just get down to the brass tacks.

Well, and then I will waffle. We all know how I love waffles!

I was worried due to lack of twinging, but lo! something must be working. My first clue was this morning, when I had a protracted battle with the top button on my jeans. And then proceeded to need to pee every 10 minutes. But it's all worth it. Thank goodness.

Here are the stats for IUI cycle #5! (Holy crap. FIVE!)

Once again, I have four follicles: two big fat 14's, one each for Lefty and Righty, and then as usual, Lefty is the overachiever with two smaller follicles, eight and ten. My levels are at 290.

300 more IU of Gonal-f tonight, and again tomorrow. Then another ultrasound on Wednesday. If all goes well, I trigger Wednesday night, and the IUI is Friday morning. Righty, if you go south on me, you are getting evicted. I mean it. You gotta earn your keep around here.

On a more entertaining note, I got to hear my uterus described as "gorgeous", which is a new one for me. I also evidently have "perky" ovaries. Is it just me, or is that bizarre? Like being told that your spleen is charming.

Plus, the adjective "perky" always makes me think of Katie Couric. However, considering how many uterii and ovaries this woman has seen in her lifetime, I think I have to choose to believe her.

Somehow, I don't think this is what was meant by "pretty on the inside."

So yeah. My reproductive system is a 10! However, so far it has been purely decorative. Come on, girls. This is the month!

I ordered another stinking pen of Gonal-F. That's six 300 IU pens. I am wondering why my RE ordered this way, instead of two 900 IU pens. Could it have something to do with the "leftovers" inside each 300 IU syringe? When I do the math, there's only a $3 or so price difference, so it doesn't matter much either way (except that priming the pen each night is getting old, and that's a lot of packaging to clog up landfills each month.

Anyone know about this? I'm confuzzled.

They debated about prescribing Menopur as well. Anyone have experience with this? They didn't end up doing it- the consensus was that everything was coming along nicely and that it was unnecessary.

While I still have not seen Dr. Combover, which is another post in itself, the ultrasound tech did say that she will personally reviewing my case. I don't know her name, or her title, or anything else.

Ordinarily, I would be freaking out about this, but....this cycle is weird. I feel very zen, for lack of a better term. Like this is all happening to someone else, and I am taking a detatched and clinical interest in it.

Since I can't remember the last time I was ever detatched and/or clinical about- well, anything, this is one hell of a change. Huh.

Okay. Almost time for work. And since my pants don't fit anyway, I may as well extract myself from them (maybe the Jaws Of Life would work) and eat a boatload of chicken nachos.


AwkwardMoments said...

hoping that righty doesn't disappoint or get evicted- and hoping that THIS is THE cycle that we will be discussing the next 9 months

Christy said...

So glad that you are in a zen-like state. It sure makes everything easier, doesn't it? Way to go with your follie count too. And I have no clue why your doc ordered your meds the way he did. I used Follistim on my last IUI. 900 ius is the cartridge I got. Had to throw away at least half of it. Yup, about $300 right down the toilet. So be glad that you are only buying what you will need.