You're shakin' my confidence laaaately.....
Don't worry, I can spell, The bad pun will become obvious later.
Summation- the IUI happened, it went well, and the sample lasted just fine while nestled in my cleavage for a little longer than was recommended. I split the difference and showed up 15 minutes early, and there was no comment.
The Man has been put on notice. Neither of us is a morning person, which I know is a factor. To be fair, when he got up and moving, he did apologize for being a poop. And he was very considerate to me while I was practically comatose and convinced that my ovaries were exploding, and actually planned and made food. (Yeah, quesadillas, but he gets points for effort.)
The actual IUI went well, but was weird. First of all, it HURT! This has never happened before. Usually it's just my ovaries, although last cycle I didn't even really get that. This time they were both agitated, not to mention, afterwards, I had major cramping. EVERYONE was pissed off. I don't know if that's good or bad. They did mention at my appointment that my cervix was wiiiide open. (Ack! my cervix is a ho!)
I spoke with my fave tech, and basically put it out there. " if this cycle is uneventful...well, his sperm are great. My eggs and uterus are great. Why am I taking all these drugs to produce more eggs? I am worrying that either my egg quality sucks, in which case the drugs really won't help, or that things aren't implanting, so ditto, or that The Man's chemistry and mine are incompatible, which really isn't going to become immediately obvious until we do IVF anyway. Do you have any ideas?"
Evidently, she has a theory. She thinks that the cilia in my fallopian tubes may be out of whack, and when that's an issue, they can't waft the egg towards the sperm or vice-versa. Sort of like incompetent crowd-surfing at a rock concert. My cilia may be just like the a**holes who have smoked too much pot and just drop the kid on the concrete floor.
Yes, that is my take on it. First the uterine disco lounge, then the easter egg basket ovaries, and now fallopian crowd surfing. My reproductive anatomy sounds like a freaking theme park! Wooohooo!
In the meantime, the 2ww is officially on, and I am allowing myself to hope. I have a girl's weekend at the coast planned, and I will know by then whether I can drink or not, which I guess is the up-side in case my cilia actually aren't working.
Meanwhile, we are trying to decide what to do in case this cycle is not a success. Do I really want to have IUI #6? This is my free cycle of meds....could I put those towards IVF, or are they only used during an IUI cycle? The next IVF boat departs in November, so I would baaaaarely squeak by with the timing.
I can't answer any of these questions for two weeks. I'm hoping that I won't have to answer them, because the point will be moot. Or if you're a Friends fan, it will be "moo".
Yeh for the Man saying he was sorry .. whoa, thats a huge feat! I hope he has many more suprises along the way
I am definitely holding out hope that all of your further decision making will be moo!
It's really hard to be in the midst of a cycle and trying to be positive about it, while thinking about what might come next. Actually, it's torture. So glad I'm not there all by myself, though I'm sorry you have to be here too.
Take it easy!
I love Joey. I think it was my favorite character. I always say that it's a moo point. I am smack dab in the beginning of the 2WW myself. Here's hoping that it's a moo point for both of us to try another cycle and that we are celebrating our knocked up status soon.
C'mon IUI#5. hahah #5, reminds me of a 1980's movie short circuit. Sorry .. my brainis random,and i love your repro theme park rendition. Hoping you do not have to make any more IUI or IVF choices
Heh. I may now always think of fallopian tube cilia when I hear that song!
I can really relate to your post. I have one more cycle before a free meds one (also use Freedom Pharmacy) and wonder if by then, do I stick w/IUIs or go to the next step? There seems to be no explanation as to why I can't get pregnant and it's driving me insane. Thanks for helping me keep at least a small part of my sanity.
I hope your 2WW goes by quickly and you wind up with a BFP and don't have to worry about IUI vs IVF.
So sorry it hurt. I'm glad it went okay otherwise. That open cervix sounds good to me! Nice and fertile.
LMAO about the theme park reproductive system! I feel like that sometimes too, although I have personalities for my parts. My right ovary is the straight A student - overachiever in every way. My left ovary is the dumbass slacker who gets high and flunks every course it takes. My uterus is a disgruntled postal worker of sorts - things go in and right back out. My tubes are carefree and fun twins - think Doublemint. I would love to see this reality-show-waiting-to-happen!
Good luck in your 2ww. I hope that it passes quickly.
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