Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I look like who?

I consider this further evidence that computers are dumb.

Has anyone else tried this?

Of course, I would like it better if they were not all waaaaaaaaay more photogenic than I am. I will console myself with the knowledge that they all have stylists.

Hmmm....maybe I should try another picture.

OK, two of them are repeats..Amanda Peet and what's her face whose picture is chopped off. One more time.....

Ok, I am not quite this delusional. I would have showed all of them, buy evidently, I can only save one. Beyonce? Anna Kournicova? Halle Berry? Yeah. I wish! Computers are dumb.

I know this has absolutely nothing to do with infertility, but if you need some distraction, this is pretty much unbeatable. And oh yeah, I did do it again, and got Heath Ledger and David Duchovny. Hmmmmm......

1 comment:

AwkwardMoments said...

Hahahah Rock on!! Get on with your bad self