Monday, September 10, 2007

If you build it, they will come.

The ultrasound went well this morning. They found Righty(I am picturing it with glasses and a stripey hat, like Waldo)with a minimum of difficulty. No cysts. Lining where it should be for Day Three.

"And!" said the ultrasound tech, "We are going to get at least FOUR follicles out of you this time!!!"

I thought (but did not say) that there were four follicles last time, until Righty took a hike sometime between Day 10 and Day 14.

But damn. I am taking 300 of the Gonal-F for the next SEVEN DAYS.

You hear that Righty? You should be quaking in your boots. Or you would be, if ovaries had boots.

The credit card should also be quaking in its boots. Oy. I have to order two more vials!!!

The visit went as well as it could go, and I finally bit the bullet and asked about IVF.

They gave me a price sheet. And a pamphlet on financing options. And a small lecture about patience and waiting and seeing.

I know all these things. I am trying so hard to have faith in these procedures, and I am going to go out on a limb and let myself hope, this time.

I am going back to walking, and have actually cracked the cellophane on Yoga For Fertility, which I bought on Amazon about a year ago. I have all my meds together, and am making sure I get at least 8 hours of sleep a night.

The Man asked if there was anything he could do to help, and I am going to hit him up for massages. He has also promised to walk with me and to take his vitamins.

We're going to eat Chez Sais Quoi as much as possible, so we can eat more healthily.

The big leap, however, is the cleaning out of The Room.

We are very careful never to call it anything else. It's Jenna's Craft Room, The Third's become kind of a catchall. And in the process of getting rid of the metric tons of clothing that I have managed to accumulate, and dispersing all my crafty stuff, The Third Bedroom is slowly becoming a blank slate.

This is my leap of faith. I'm putting it out there. And words cannot express how terrified I am. This is going to work. I am doing everything in my power to succeed this month, and the notion that it might not work (again) has paralyzed me and kept me from accomplishing this for two years.

I hope the universe doesn't smite me down.


AwkwardMoments said...

RIGHTY- YOU stop acting all wonky- get yout butt in gear. It is y or time ot PERFROM like a circus MONKEY DANGIT! Now get to it

Katie said...

I am picturing Righty wearing boots and shaking in 'em. Let me know if you like the Yoga for Fertility. I have been looking for something like that.

Christy said...

We have a room like that too. We usually call it the front bedroom, or the little bedroom. At one time we even had a crib in there. After my miscarriage the crib was sent packing and it became my scrapbooking room. This past weekend was my first time working in there. So, good for you for being stronger than me and getting going on that room.