Saturday, September 15, 2007


I got nothing.

The ovarian pinging of last cycle is not happening, and it is freaking me out.

I am injecting 300 IU a day, here, ovaries. What gives?

Granted, I am a little bloated, and I don't think I ate anything that would account for that.

Ugh. This is torture!

I did have enough Gonal-f to inject last night. (Barely- but I made it!)

In the meantime, I am waiting for the package from the pharmacy to arrive, so I can get on with my Saturday. I am actually not working! I am still in shock.

I keep thinking of the fortune cookie I got yesterday. The fortune said something along the lines of, "Doubt is the seasoning of life."

As a seasoning, I definitely prefer lemon pepper. Because the doubt is really beginning to suck.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Love that "fortune" you made. It sucks if I do say so myself. And "doubt" as the seasoning to life? I sure as hell hope not! I'd like to think happiness makes life better and not being a cynic.

I haven't gone down Injections Parkway yet but the cycle I had all of the O signs, I instead had a big fat cyst. The cycle I felt nothing is the one where I had good juicy follies. I hope the same rings true for you!