Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Somebody's watching meeeeeeeeee....

I have a stalker.

I am sure you guys remember the post about Tiramisu, aka "Big Fat Fatty" (Other aliases include "The Woodchuck", "Lunchbox", and "Chunk LaFunk")

I am sorry the picture quality sucks, but his curmudgeonly qualities are such that this is the only photo of him with his eyes open.

Anyway, 'Su has gotten increasingly weird about me. Either we were right about the progesterone or the injections messing with my body chemistry, or I have mysteriously (and undetectably, because I checked to alleviate the paranoia) begun to smell like Li'l Friskies.

When I came home tonight, I did the first thing I usually do in the second half of the 2ww, which is to rip off my bra, because it is cutting off my circulation.

I went into the kitchen to start dinner, and the next thing I know, The Man comes in, bra dangling.

The Man: I just saw something...uh, disturbing.

Me: Let's hear it.

The Man: The cat was uh...making out with your bra. Please put it away.

Me: What the little one? She plays with everything.....

The Man: NO- It was 'SU! He was rubbing all over it and rolling around on it like a porn star. And purring.


At night, the cats are shut in the office, because the little one creates mayhem and ricochets around all night long. 'Su gets shut in too, because that's where the food and water and kitty "facilities" are.

The other night, we couldn't find him. We finally gave up, shut the bedroom door, and went to bed. At around 6AM, I awoke to feel a solid weight snuggled behind my knees. 'Su had evidently hidden under the bed and waited for us to fall asleep. The Man banished him at some point, and he stayed right outside the door, yowling, until we took pity on ourselves and let him back in.

He's also following me around from room to room, and tonight I fell asleep on the couch and woke up to find him draped across my midsection and lovingly grooming my arm, which is something he has never done. In fact, that is probably why I woke up, since he is a 20 pounder and was probably reducing my lung capacity, not to mention putting out heat like a furry bonfire.

This is seriously freaking me out.

I know I haven't been around- I am working crazy hours, which is great money-wise, but not so hot energy-level-wise or sanity-wise. I need to slow down and schedule some time off to take care of me. Because I am falling asleep during Dancing With The Stars, and that ain't right. (And oh! I am so pissed that Albert went home! He was so sweet and goofy! Aiiiiigh! But then, I didn't vote, so it is all my fault.)

In other news, the second week of the 2ww has begun. I am exhausted (thanks, progesterone!) and for some reason, I cannot eat peanuts without feeling ill afterwards. Could that also have something to do with the progesterone? I seem to recall something about "Do not take this medication if you have a peanut allergy." But I don't have a peanut allergy.

Also, stop the presses! I am tired. And hungry. And bloated, and weepy. And signing off, because you guys seriously don't need to hear about all that, since you're more or less all experiencing it yourselves.


AwkwardMoments said...

WEIRDO kitty. I have to say that my black cat was ATTACHED to my body as soon as i walked in the door. I wonder if you are on to something with these injections. I am not doing progesterone but as i type this , she is laying on my feet. She has to be touching me at all times. (she usually hates being around people and likes the solitude of a dark bedroom closet.) I was on the computer last night and SHE INSISTED on being held for hours. If i wasnt paying her any attention, she would get Right in the way of whatever i was doing ..Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeiird kitties

Christy said...

That is just too funny about your cat! And I'm glad you are tired and hungry. I hope it's a sign of good things to come!

Mrs. Shoes said...

Your progesterone experience makes me feel slightly less crazy. I have been falling asleep at work for no apparent reason!

Katie said...

My animals also get weird when I am in the 2 WW on progesterone. And my little dog gets extremely affectionate when I am pregnant. Animals know these things.

And you are right, progesterone is a pain in the arse. I really hate how it is making me feel really pregnant this month, and I am not sure that it's the meds or not. Here's hoping for both of us that the affectionate animals + icky feelings = pregnancy

Kristen said...

I love Tiramasu and your little furbaby brings new meaning to that love! So hilarious! I really do think it has to do with your hormones being off.

Too bad you didn't catch the little porn star with the camera. That picture would have been priceless :)