Thursday, October 4, 2007

Mighty Casey has Struck Out.

Well, crap.

I'm spotting. And it's still disappointing, even though I expected it.

And that's really all there is to say about it.

I guess we're going to need to make some decisions, because going through another IUI cycle just seems like an exercise in futility.


Katie said...

Oh, crap. This is just sad. I am sorry. I am living the same disappointment right now. Hurts like hell. I wish you luck making those tough decisions.

Thinking of you today and sending you a hug.

AwkwardMoments said...

SHIT! Shit shit! I am so sorry you are going to have to make decisions on the next move. You are in my thoughts

Christy said...

Oh that just stinks! I'm so sorry . . .

Hang in there.

Meghan said...

That just sucks...sorry

thanks for your comments on my blog, I appreciate it!

Anonymous said...

Hugs!!! Just went through it. Like you said on my blog. Keep the faith.

Kristen said...

This sucks. FUCK! I'm so sorry Jenna. I'm sending some good thoughts your way, my love. I'm toasting to you. XOXO