Sunday, October 28, 2007


There. I said it.

I have been in an evil mood for the last couple of days, which I am attributing to some kind of hormonal hangover after the last six months of non-stop meds.

I have also been a little blue....a very pale shade of that color. Maybe a better term is funk. I am in a FUNK. How I am to get out of it, I am really not sure, but it is official.

The first major sign is not wanting to put up the Halloween decorations. They are usually up at the crack of October 1st, because Halloween is my favorite holiday. So far, I have one lonely bat sticking out of my planter box. Skeletons hanging from the trees? Negative. Graveyard set up, complete with fog and black lights? Negative. Spider webs set up on the front porch? Negative.

Our usual Halloween party hookup isn't happening this year (they're 6-7 months pregnant, of course) so it's looking like a quiet night. A big part of me wants to not even buy candy and turn off the porch light, like some kind of Halloween grinch.

What with us not celebrating Thanksgiving with the fam, it's looking like The Man and I are going to make the holidays a wash this year. Maybe we'll have our acts together by Christmas.

I have been spending most of my time knitting obsessively and uploading stuff to Ravelry, because my crankiness makes me wary of human contact. By the way, if you are a knitter with a Ravelry account, stop by and see me! There is even a group for knitters dealing with IF, called the Infertile Myrtles.

The one bright spot in my week was yesterday. Maybe you had to be there, but oh, man, it was hilarious.

S. and I went to Jo-Ann's, because we wanted more yarn. We stopped at an innocent display of plush turkeys.

S: "Look! They're so cuuuute!"

Me: *rolls eyes*

S: "You seriously need to snap out of it. See....oh, they're handpuppets!"

She seized a turkey and thrust her hand into it.


S. shrieked at the top of her lungs and jumped into the air like she had been electrocuted, bowling the turkey down the aisle. She had whipped her hand out so fast, she actually yanked out the noisemaker, which skittered down the aisle in the opposite direction, still gobbling.

I was rooted to the spot, doubled over, and laughing so hard that I couldn't breathe.

I know, I am evil, but the look on her face was so.damn.funny that it look me at least 10 minutes to collect myself.


Meghan said...

That is funny, totally something I would have done. Hope it lifted your funk at least a little bit!

AwkwardMoments said...

EVERYONE needs a friend like S.!! I am glad that you found laughter ..even if it was just for 10 minutes!

Katie said...

I am with you. I usually have the house LIT UP for the holidays. Halloween is one of my faves, because it is kicking off the holiday season. I realized just last night that I hadn't even plugged in my fake jack-o-lantern. And how tough would that be? I hate the blue funk. Here's hoping for better shades to come!

Laura said...

That had me laughing out loud - not good in my cube environment! I am glad it lifted your spirits. :)