Saturday, October 6, 2007

Whooh! Okay.

I have decided that this week just needs to die. It's been a crappy week for so many people, both IRL and online, it just needs to go away. And hey, tomorrow's Sunday.

I find it impossible to be sad and listen to this song:

And THEN I saw this commercial, and I have to laugh every time I see it. Maybe it's because I work with kids, but I need to file some of these insults away for future reference.

Anyway. I know a lot of us are having rotten weeks, so I thought I would share.

Here's to next week being fantabulous!!!!!


AwkwardMoments said...

bahahahahah What the french...toast ..I haven't seen that before but OMG hilirious!

Alyssa said...

Hee! Thanks for sharing the song and the commercial. Both made me laugh out loud, which was a much needed break from some of the weekend crappiness on my end. I agree-here's to an amazing week next week!

Kristen said...

OMG, those were GREAT! Thanks - I really needed that.


Meghan said...

I love that commercial!!!

And I agree....everyone have a great week!