Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Holy Crap

I was just talking to a friend on the phone, and I mentioned my SIL's "I saw you" comment that kind of freaked me out.

There was a long pause, and then my friend said, "I saw it too. I didn't want to say anything because I thought it would freak you out. But when you told me you were moving, I envisioned you walking uphill on a sidewalk, with a baby in a sling across your chest. You were carrying flowers and a bag of groceries, swinging the bag, and laughing with someone. It was weird, like a clip from a movie playing inside my head."

Then I read Mel's blog and this entry over at Jenna's.

Maybe I should see a psychic when I am in SF. I know my sister (The Queen of Granola) would totally go for it, and The Man would think it was a load of you know what. What do you guys think?


Meghan said...

I totally think you should. A friend got my a visit with a psychic for my birthday a few months ago and I've been working up the courage to call her. I'll go if you will :)

Katie said...

This post made my eyes tear up in hope for you. I could envision it for you and it felt right. I think that you should, too. What have you got to lose?