Thursday, August 16, 2007

We are now approaching 98% normalcy

The worst part of taking Clomid wasn't that it made me nuts. It was that underneath it all, there was a rational part of my mind monitoring every crazy moment and cataloguing it, then triggering a tiny little voice which just said, "You're being're being psycho...."over and over again. And being unable to control my reactions or emotions, regardless of what my rational voice said.

It was a truly horrible feeling. Like the rational part of you is locked up in a tiny little cage, surrounded by your hormones, which are surrounding it and jeering and poking it with pointy sticks.

Which is why this cycle has been such a pleasant surprise so far. I finally feel like I am off the crazy train. After three months of manic-depressive weepiness, this is like being on vacation. Of course, the Clomid was covered by insurance. Of course, the fact that I have finally returned to normal is making me wonder if the drugs are working. However, I am feeling distinct twinges from good ol' Lefty, and it may not be time to send Righty to the glue factory yet...there's a distant pinging that bodes well.

Let's see:

Clomid: Pros- free, and you can just take a pill. Cons: hot flashes, random weeping, and screaming one-sided arguments about the way my husband folds underwear.


Gonal-F: Cons: $1000 a month and lack of psychotic side effects makes me wonder if it's working. Potential for track marks on my tummy. Pros: getting to keep my sanity.

Tough call.

I went out with the girls last night, and we had a blast and didn't discuss the current fertility situation with me. I even got hit on a couple of times. I totally needed that! Going through all this medical treatment sort of makes me feel like a lab experiment. Like I am ovulation robot or an under performing baby factory. I have been feeling puffy and unattractive, so the ego boost was a nice bonus.

It was actually kind of a nice reminder that I can leave the house and focus on other things besides my current cycle. I actually lived dangerously and had a couple of drinks!

I haven't felt this good in a long time. Hopefully,I can ditch Moaning Myrtle by the wayside, at least for a couple of weeks.

By the way readers, thanks for all your well-wishes, commiserations, and advice. I am so new to this, and so clueless in a lot of ways (although, I am learning fast!) and I greatly appreciate all of your input.


AwkwardMoments said...

wooohoo for girls nights Out ...and bonus on the being hit on!!!

Christy said...

I just happened across your blog and wanted to wish you well on your current cycle. I'm willing to be that you won't miss the ever evil clomid. Good luck!