Monday, December 3, 2007

Quatre Choses (Four Things)

Once again, tagged by Farah!

Four jobs I have held in life:

* Pizza Wench (Woodstock's Pizza in Davis, CA) Yeah, I threw the dough in the air and everything. I also got to pour a pitcher of beer into a patron's lap once. He totally deserved it, so I didn't get in trouble.
* Graphic Designer/Camerawoman/production assistant for a local news broadcast.
* Marketing Coordinator. For people who may have been the minions of Satan.
* Mad Sci.entist (seriously.)

Four movies I have watched more than once:

* Monsoon Wedding
* Under The Tuscan Sun
* Dangerous Liasons
* The Witches of Eastwick

Four places I have vacationed

* Paris
* Beautiful British Columbia
* New York
* Hawaii (twice- Maui and Oahu)

Four of my favorite foods:

* Armenian food- if I have to be specific, pilaf, lulu kabob, yalanchi, and a cheese borag are the shizznit. Ok, I can't believe I said shizznit. But all other adjectives are just not doing it for me.
* Seared Ahi
* Another meal (sorry) Medium rare ribeye, loaded baked potato, steamed broccoli, French Onion soup, Perfection.
* I already said doughnuts in another post- um, it's a toss up between Breyer's Vanilla Bean ice cream and my home-made plum sorbet. Yum!

Honorable mention: Mac N' Cheese.

Four places I would rather be:

* On an ocean cruise, someplace tropical
* Disneyland!!!!!
* On a European tour
* New Orleans for Mardi Gras.

Four hobbies I engage in regularly:

* Knitting
* Reading
* Shopping on Amazon
* Cooking food-type things


AwkwardMoments said...

I am a huge fan of anywhere tropical.. Thanks for patronizing me

Katie said...

Pizza wench! Did you wear a costume? I threw a milkshake in a troublesome customer's face - but I DID get in trouble.

Anonymous said...

I love Woodstocks. They had one in Isla Vista....ah the memories!!!

jenna sais quoi said... costume, thank god! This was the 90's- so Woodstock's tie-dyed t-shirt, cutoff jean shorts, Doc Martens, and a strong sense of irony were my everyday work uniform.

I think everyone's memories of Woodstock's seem to be pretty good, but hazy- I think I was the only one there who wasn't using various illicit substances on a daily basis! Plus the pitchers of Newcastle were the cheapest in town.