Wednesday, November 28, 2007

tea and sympathy

Thanks guys!

I do appreciate your desires to give The Man a talking to.

We had that conversation on Thanksgiving night. He agreed that he had, in his own words, "been crappy." And he apologized profusely.

The next night, when I reported that the lady at the jewelry store said that my husband had no idea about my taste in jewelry (true...coals of fire!) he was mortified.

As it turns out, he had over-analyzed things based on my wedding ring, which is a magnolia design, and is very vintage and a little asymmetrical.

"I just thought you liked those kind of swoopy shapes!" he said, pathetically.

So he is now doing research for Christmas. I agreed to look around ebay and give him examples of what I like, on the grounds that if he wants to get me jewelry, next time around he will have a better idea of what to do.

His Mom found out what had happened, and made sure to take me out and get me a dog-free birthday cake, which was really sweet of her. Go figure- it took 5 years, but I finally have a decent relationship with my M-I-L.

Talked to my Mom yesterday. As it turns out, they all stayed an extra night and talked about my "behavior". Ouch. They seem to be of the opinion that I was just in a bad mood from the get-go, and that no amount of effort on their part would have fixed that. I was just determined to be unhappy.


I was pretty much speechless. Mom wanted to keep chitchatting, and I just cut her off with, "Sorry, I know you have stuff to do, so I had better let you go."

Christmas should just be a ball of fire. I am thinking that we are going to eschew my family altogether. I have had it with them. And I can't help thinking about the whole thing with the psychic going on about the "toxic environment." Ugh.

The Man and I were watching The Daily 10 tonight.

He's never said a lot about being smacked repeatedly in the face with the whole baby thing. But one story was about Nicole Ritchie's pregnancy, and how Paris Hilton now wants a baby because then their kids can play together.

Then there was another story about Christina Aguilera talking about her Uber Eggs and her hubby's Super sperm, and showing the magazine cover of her splayed out and displaying her spray-tanned baby bump.

At this point, my husband yelled, "Oh F--K YOU!" and hurled an aptly named throw pillow at the TV set. Right before the report seguewayed into "5 hottest celebrity moms."

"Why are we watching this?" he asked, irritably. Then the commercial for the Zales Journey diamond pendant started- the one that shows the couple dating, getting married, and then proudly holding up a baby. The tagline is something about commemorating all your precious life experiences together.

He uttered some more profanity and then snatched the remote out of my hands and hit the power button.

"I can't believe it, it's everywhere," he said, disgustedly. "No wonder you get upset all the time."

Well, yeah.

In other news, Tiramisu, my feline stalker, has been Velcro Kitty all day today, after virtually ignoring me since my last medicated cycle. He keeps edging up onto my lap or my chest and gazing lovingly into my face, giving me kitty kisses on the nose, and generally acting like a completely different creature than the sulky little brat that he usually is.

I am trying not to get my hopes up.


AwkwardMoments said...

I am glad the Man and MIL are steppin it up!! As for your family, ugh aren't families just awful to eachother at times? I am so sorry that they can't seem to get over themselves.

I am glad the man is hurling pillows ans using profanity at crappy super celeb mommiezilla's and dumb people

Meghan said...

Glad your in laws are coming through for you. And your family, well, there's a reason the saying "you can't pick your family" is so popular. I do hope they come around and can support you.

And I'm glad the Man is coming around and recognizing how this pregnancy crap is EVERYWHERE!

Have fun picking out your jewelry!!!

Katie said...

Okay, now I am happy with The Man again. At least HE recognizes that the baby stuff is everywhere. My husband will watch the same commercials as me and not understand why I get teary or mad. I hate that Zales commercial especially, because when I was pregnant last year, I actually liked it, hoping for a necklace to commemorate being pregnant at Christmas. After the D&C, it reminded me of what we had lost - and I no longer wanted the necklace!