Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Shut Up and Drive

Yeah, this song is a staple on my workout playlist. Go Rihanna!

The doggies did great this weekend. I am so proud of them. We kept them on their leashes, since neither of them is ready yet to be able to run free at the beach, and their anxiety about all the other off-leash dogs kind of hampered my ability to take pictures, but we still had a great time. Predictably, Bear plunged right into the ocean, up to his chest, while Bosco delicately avoided the tiny lapping waves. They're so funny. It was a big weekend- first time seeing the ocean, first time experiencing stairs, first time being around so many other dogs.

They did great at Mom and Dad's place. No begging, no "accidents" (well, there may have been one, but luckily mom and dad were out, and they have hardwood floors. I won't tell if you won't!). They stayed off the furniture and hung out on their blanket in front of the fire and just kind of blissed out the whole time.

Considering that the last time my parents saw our dogs, they were slavering and barking and hurling themselves against our sliding glass door, this behavior was a total 180. My parents were actually so impressed with how they behaved that they are getting the Dog Whisperer book for my brother and his wife for Christmas. (We still haven't exchanged gifts yet.)

It was nice getting away, being outside and active, and not having to worry about holiday crap. We had a good, solid, relaxing trip. Yay!

There was a weird moment with my mother. I had picked up a copy of People magazine, with a very PG Jennifer Lopez on the cover. My mom noticed I was scanning the article, and made a face.

"Do you like her?"

"I am just interested. I think she did IVF, so I wanted to check out if the article says anything. I doubt it, but you never know."

"Why on earth did they try to keep it a secret for so long?" she asked. "It just seems stupid."

"Well...I am guessing that she's been infertile for awhile, and maybe had some recurrent miscarriages or something," I said, flatly. "I wouldn't want that whole heartache plastered in every tabloid under the sun."

My mom, who admittedly isn't overly fond of JLo, gave me a look that I can only describe as stunned.

"I didn't even think of that..." she said, and dropped the subject.

I do wish that celebs would be more open abut the fact that they use assisted reproductive technologies. This whole taboo just needs to be gone.

I have been doing a lot of reading- in addition to the Margolis book and the Newsweek article mentioned in the last post, my sister-in-law got me The Golden Compass trilogy, and I seem to have burned through it in two days.

I plan to talk about the Margolis book more in-depth tomorrow, but here's the general consensus: I liked it. It was a very open, honest read, with a a lot of general information about the roads that infertility leads you down. There's a lot of info about surrogacy, which is nothing we have ever considered, but it's what Cindy and her husband did, so that is a perspective that was interesting for me to read about.

I am considering giving it to my mom to look at once I am done with it.


AwkwardMoments said...

YAH for the good doggies! I just finished mlast book, so I am going to start on the margolis one tomorrow

Anonymous said...

Jennifer Lopez is pregnant through IVF or some type of assisted reproductive technology. Years ago it was documented that she had been going to fertility clinics. However, don't expect her to admit something like that.

Katie said...

I do wish that celebrities could be a little more open about IF struggles. Gosh, maybe that would even make it COOL. Like, "Oh, yeah, I had the JLo done to get little Tommy." "Oh, I am so jealous! The JLo?! My husband and I just had regular ol' sex. I wish we had been able to do the JLO!"

Okay, maybe it will never be THAT cool. But a girl can dream, right?

Denise said...

I need to grab a copy of the Margolis book. Can't wait to read what you thought of it.

I like K's comment above about celebrities making IF struggles cool. And wouldn't it be great if adoption was as easy as Angelina makes it seem?

Doogie said...

Like c-section rates go up needlessly whenever a celeb schedules her childbirthing around her oh, so busy life?

You'd see a rise in people trying for half a month, deciding they're infertile, like ....favour of the month... and demanding their doctor fix them.

No thanks. Call my cynical, but I'd rather not have to stand in line behind Miss Perfectly Functioning Body who wants medical assistance for a problem she doesn't have.